If you have children under age 18 and who are eligible for Medicare, they may also qualify for the Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS). This is a schedule that gives children and teenagers aged 2 to 17 access to essential dental care up to a total cost of $1,013 over two calendar years. Your child simply needs to be between these ages for at least one day of the calendar year. They must also be eligible for Medicare or receiving a specific Australian Government payment, or part of a family receiving Family Tax Benefit Part A.

No need to register your child

You don’t need to do anything to register your child, as Medicare will tell you if they are eligible. If they are, they can access a range of services that include preventative dental examinations, cleanings and x-rays, and fissure sealants. The scheme also covers necessary restorative treatments like dental fillings, root canals and tooth extractions. Your child can’t use this allowance for cosmetic dental work or for orthodontic dental work, and it’s not applicable for any dental services provided in a hospital environment.

Children who qualify for this scheme can come and see us here at Dr Smile, and you can be sure they will receive precisely the same high-quality care provided to all our patients.
